Where/How exactly do I create an ODE Event Location Function?

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Hello all,
Here's the thing:
I have a main file (MainSimulation.m), which basically creates a menu in which I can choose a type of marine Manoeuvre to perform, given variables in other two files (data.m and wind.m), which are the vessel-related parameters and the wind conditions + wind coefficient (forces/moment) calculations.
Now, when I choose a Manoeuvre, I must run ode45 to be able to calculate the overall accelerations (F=m.a), like so:
option = menu('Choose a Manoeuvre:','Straight Run','Zig-Zag Manoeuvre','Exit Menu');
%% Straight Run
if option == 1 % Choosing Straight Run
Vs = 10 * (1852 / 3600); % [m/s]-Ship approach speed (reasonable value)
a_1 = 300;
t = (0:a_1); % Manouevre time
y0 = [Vs 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Initial condition - surge valocity is equal to the approach speed
[T,Y] = ode45 ('StraightRun', t, y0); % Calls function
drift_angle = -atan(Y(:,2) ./ Y(:,1));
In which Y will be a 7 collumn double array [Y(:,1) = speed in X; Y(:,2) = speed in Y; the other collumns are irrelevant rn]
Well the thing is, given the fact that this is a wind-powered vessel (obtained from data.m) I have come to the conclusion that there is a problem with the ODE function (any of them) when the speed (Vs) of the vessel comes to 0, because there are several parameters (regarding the definition of forces/moments) that directly depend on the vessel's speed, and the following Warning appears, if the ODE45 is not done running, given t (which I assume to be due to the vessel coming to a full stop and there still being some integration steps left):
Warning: Failure at t=3.091528e+02. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing
the step size below the smallest value allowed (9.094947e-13) at time t.
> In ode45 (line 351)
Therefore, I wish to run the ODE45 function, as stated, until Vs = 0.
I have seen that there is a thing called ODE Event Location which allows for, if a certain variable/function comes to 0, the ODE will stop integrating, and return the values already calculated.
However, I'm not really sure WHERE to insert the following function [and I'm a little confused as to what "isterminal" and "direction" are]:
function [position,isterminal,direction] = EventsFunction(t,y)
position = sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2); % The value that we want to be zero
isterminal = 0; % Halt integration
direction = 0; % The zero can be approached from either direction
Should I insert the above function (EventsFunction) in the same file as the menu is, prior to it, obviously, or should I insert it inside the 'StraightRun' file?
Because I have tried inserting the function "EventsFunction" just before calling ode45 (after the definition of y0), but MATLAB gives me the following error:
Error: File: MainSimulation.m Line: 32 Column: 1
Function definition are not supported in this context. Functions can only be created as local
or nested functions in code files.
And if I insert the function BEFORE/outside the option = menu (....), the following error appears:
Error: File: MainSimulation.m Line: 29 Column: 1
Function definitions in a script must appear at the end of the file.
Move all statements after the "EventsFunction" function definition to before the first local
function definition.
ANY Help provided will be MUCH appreciated!
Nuno Nunes


Torsten 2022-8-13
if option == 1 % Choosing Straight Run
Vs = 10 * (1852 / 3600); % [m/s]-Ship approach speed (reasonable value)
a_1 = 300;
t = (0:a_1); % Manouevre time
y0 = [Vs 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Initial condition - surge valocity is equal to the approach speed
opt = odeset('Events',@EventsFunction);
[T,Y] = ode45 ('StraightRun', t, y0, opt); % Calls function
drift_angle = -atan(Y(:,2) ./ Y(:,1));
and place the function where MATLAB can access it.
function [position,isterminal,direction] = EventsFunction(t,y)
position = y(1)^2+y(2)^2; % The value that we want to be zero
isterminal = 1; % Halt integration
direction = 0; % The zero can be approached from either direction
  15 个评论
Nuno Nunes
Nuno Nunes 2022-8-31
编辑:Nuno Nunes 2022-8-31
Is there a way to create an EventsFunction but instead of interrupting the ode45 when the 'position' is equal to 0, make it act when it's below a certain value? Because I've had
position = y(1)^2 + y(2)^2 - 1e-4
But the thing is, since ode45 is giving discontinuous values, it will only act if ode45 gives out EXACTY "1e-4"
Which, from my experience, it does not.
Jan 2022-8-31
@Nuno Nunes: What does "ode45 is giving discontinuous values" mean?
If the value of an event function is below 0 in one step and above 0 in the next step, ODE45 interpolates the step to find the time, where 0 is hit exactly.
"from my experience, it does not." - please post some code to explain this. Of course the show event function is valid and should be detected reliably. Maybe reducing the maximum step size helps, if the event function is > 0 at both steps, but was < 0 between the time points.


更多回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-8-14
You are using
[T,Y] = ode45 ('StraightRun', t, y0, opt); % Calls function
specifying the function to be executed as a character vector. We recommend you stop doing that and start using function handles. Besides being more efficient, function handles are able to refer to local functions defined in the same file.
So you can create a single file
option = menu('Choose a Manoeuvre:','Straight Run','Zig-Zag Manoeuvre','Exit Menu');
%% Straight Run
if option == 1 % Choosing Straight Run
Vs = 10 * (1852 / 3600); % [m/s]-Ship approach speed (reasonable value)
a_1 = 300;
t = 0:a_1; % Manouevre time
y0 = [Vs 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Initial condition - surge valocity is equal to the approach speed
opt = odeset('Events',@EventsFunction);
[T,Y] = ode45 (@StraightRun, t, y0, opt); % Calls function
drift_angle = -atan(Y(:,2) ./ Y(:,1));
function [position,isterminal,direction] = EventsFunction(t,y)
position = y(1)^2+y(2)^2; % The value that we want to be zero
isterminal = 1; % Halt integration
direction = 0; % The zero can be approached from either direction
function dy = StraightRun(t, y)
whatever appropriate
I have no idea what your data.m is about. You are not defining anything that needs to be passed into StraightRun.
  2 个评论
Nuno Nunes
Nuno Nunes 2022-8-15
Data.m is a file that gives the vessel's characteristics and has around 150 lines of code defining the components of the hydrodynamic forces present, which are read by Straight Run.
Straight Run, also has 100 lines of code, but I'd rather keep it separate, because on the menu there is another Manoeuvre to be selected and that's a little heavier. I'd like them to be kept on separate files.
Straight Run (and Zig Zag) also call for another file, which hasn't really given me any headache (so far): wind.m, which is the wind coefficient acting on the vessel (hull and sail), whose information is given in data.m.
y(1) and y(2) are supposed to be the instant velocities in x and y, respectively, but I haven't been able to make it work so far.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-8-15
If you are initializing matrices used for the calculation, then see the link about parameterizing functions.


Jan 2022-8-15
As Walter has written already, use:
[T,Y] = ode45 (@StraightRun, t, y0);
% Instead of the old style:
% [T,Y] = ode45 ('StraightRun', t, y0);
Providing the function as CHAR vector is deprecated for 20 years now and "modern" function handles are the better choice.
Then your problem does not concern only the event function, but all functions. The rules are:
  • A function can be stored in a specific m-file, which ist stored in a folder inside Matlab's path. See doc addpath and doc pathtool.
  • A function can by stored as local subfunction inside an m file. If this file is a "script", the functions must be appended at the bottom. Scripts are m-files, which do not start with the keyword "function".
  • Nested functions are stored inside another function. They share variables with the enclosing function.
% m-file: myScript.m
disp('This is a script');
a = myFunc(2);
% Local subfunction:
function out = myFunc(in)
out = in * 3;
% m-file: myFunction.m
function myFunction % A function without inputs
disp('This is a script');
a = myFunc(2);
end % <- required to close the function, if any other function uses "end" also
% Local subfunction - only visible inside this file:
function out = myFunc(in)
out = in * 3;
% m-file: myFunction.m
function myFunction % A function without inputs
disp('This is a script');
a = myFunc(2);
% Nested function - only visible in enclosing function
function out = myFunc(in)
out = in * 3;
end % <- required to close the function, if any other function uses "end" also
% m-file: myFunction.m
function myFunction % A function without inputs
disp('This is a script');
a = myFunc(2);
% Another m-file: myFunc.m - visible to all other functions and scripts
function out = myFunc(in)
out = in * 3;


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