Extract specific X & Y data from Contour curve
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Hello MATLAB experts,
I have this below contour plot. How can I get the X and Y coordinate data for the specific contour line 1. Either in an array or table format would do the job.

Thanks for looking at it. I have attached the script for the reference.
0 个评论
Star Strider
Try this —
%% Input Parameters for Earth
Ctheta = 5;
Cphi = 0.001;
phimax = deg2rad(58);
thetamax = deg2rad(45);
alpha = (pi/2)-thetamax;
H1 = hypergeom([2],[3/2,5/2],-thetamax^2);
H2 = hypergeom([2],[1/2,5/2],-thetamax^2);
g = 3.72;
rho = 0.0142;
ge = 9.81;
rhoe = 1.225;
r2 = 0.554;
r3 = 0.59;
Cl = 1.1;
Ct = Cl/sin(2*alpha);
Cd = Cl*tan(alpha);
%% Kolomenskiy Model for Earth Bee
R = 13.2*10^(-3);
c = 4.02*10^-3;
S = 2.*R.*c;
M = 175*10^-6;
mw = 0.2251*R^3;
W = M*g;
%% Kolomenskiy model for Mars Bee
nx = 75;
ny = 75;
Wm_var_out = [];
Klm_out = [];
Kpm_out = [];
Lavg_out =[];
AeroPower_out = [];
PosPinert_out = [];
Iyy_out = [];
N = linspace(1,6,nx);
f = linspace(155,1,ny);
for i = 1:nx
R1 = N(i).*R;
c1 = 0.273.*R1;
mw_var = 0.2251.*R1^3;
Mm_var = M+mw_var;
Wm_var = Mm_var.*g;
Wm_var_out=[Wm_var_out Wm_var];
for j=1:ny
%Average Lift
Klm = rho.*f(j).*(R1.^(2) *r2^(2)).*(2.*R1.*c1).*Ct;
Klm_out = [Klm_out Klm];
Lavg1 = Klm.*sin(2*alpha);
Lavg2 = ((Cphi/(asin(Cphi)))^(2) * (2*pi^(2).*f(j).*phimax^(2))./(1+sqrt(1-Cphi^(2))));
Lavg = Lavg1.*Lavg2;
Lavg_out = [Lavg_out Lavg];
%Average Aerodynamic Power
Kpm = rho.*f(j).*(R1.^(3) *r2^(3)).*(2.*R1.*c1).*(2*Ct);
Kpm_out = [Kpm_out Klm];
% Variation of Flapping Angle
T = 1./f(j);
t =(0:0.00001:T/2);
phi_t = (phimax/asin(Cphi)).*(asin(Cphi.*cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t)));
% Flapping Velocity
phidot_t = (phimax/asin(Cphi)).*((-2*pi.*f(j).*Cphi.*sin(2*pi.*f(j).*t))./sqrt(1-(Cphi^2.*(cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t)).^2)));
% Flapping Acceleration
phi2dot_t = ((4*pi^2 .*f(j).^2 *Cphi *phimax)./asin(Cphi)).*((((Cphi^2.*cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t).*sin(2*pi.*f(j).*t).^2)./(1-(Cphi^2.*cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t).^2)).^(3/2))-(cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t)./sqrt(1-(Cphi^2.*cos(2*pi.*f(j).*t).^2)))));
% Pitching Angle Time variation
theta_t = (thetamax/tanh(Ctheta)).*tanh(Ctheta.*sin(2*pi.*f(j).*t));
% Average Integral Aerodynamic Power
alpha_t = (pi/2)-theta_t;
Kpm = rho.*f(j).*(R1.^3 * r3^3).*(2.*R1.*c1)*(2*Ct);
Pa = phidot_t.^3.*(sin(alpha_t)).^2;
AeroPower = Kpm.*trapz(t,abs(Pa));
AeroPower_out = [AeroPower_out AeroPower];
Pa_I = Kpm.*abs(Pa);
% Inertial Power
Iyy = 0.0426.*R1.^5;
Iyy_out = [Iyy_out Iyy];
Pinert = phidot_t.*Iyy.*phi2dot_t;
B = find(Pinert>=0);
PosPinert = trapz(t(B),Pinert(B))/(T/4);
PosPinert_out = [PosPinert_out PosPinert];
Ptotal = AeroPower_out+PosPinert_out;
A = reshape(Lavg_out,ny,nx);
C = reshape(Ptotal,ny,nx);
SpecificLift = A./Wm_var_out;
hold on
[M,C] = contourf(N,f,SpecificLift,[1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20],'ShowText','on');
colormap jet
title('SF vs Freq vs Specific Lift')
xlabel('Scaling Factor')
Levels = C.LevelList
for k = 1:numel(Levels)
idx = find(M(1,:) == Levels(k));
ValidV = rem(M(2,idx),1) == 0;
StartIdx{k,:} = idx(ValidV);
VLen{k,:} = M(2,StartIdx{k});
for k1 = 1:numel(Levels)
% k1 = 4; % Index For Levels 'k1'
hold on
for k2 = 1:numel(StartIdx{k1})
idxv = StartIdx{k1}(k2)+1 : StartIdx{k1}(k2)+VLen{k1}(k2); % Index For Contour 'k1'
xv = M(1,idxv);
yv = M(2,idxv);
plot(xv, yv)
hold off
hl = legend(compose('%2d',Levels), 'Location','best', 'NumColumns',2);
title(hl, 'Specific Lift')
% title(sprintf('Contour Level %.1f', Levels(k1)))
% axis('equal')
2 个评论
Star Strider
As always, my pleasure!
The ‘xv’ and ‘yv’ values plot the curves for the ‘x’.and ‘y’ values respectively. Subscript them as:
xv{k1,k2} = M(1,idxv);
yv{k1,k2} = M(2,idxv);
where ‘k1’ are the indices of the levels (not the levels themselves), and ‘k2’ are the components of the contours (since in some contour plots, there may be several disconnected contours). For this contour plot, there should be only one (x,y) pair for each contour, so you can customise my code using only ‘k1’ for your contour plot.
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