Change marker and hide confidence bounds in Plotting multiple linear regression (fitlm)

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I want to change marker for each plot and hide confidence bound
but I can not find related answer.
Where can I get a fitlm plotting properties?
Please help me :)
Thank you
X1 = R1.Research.TM_max_MFB(1,1:7) - R1.Research.P_max_MFB(1,1:7); X1 = X1*100;
Y1 =,1:7); Y1 = Y1';
mdl1 = fitlm(X1,Y1);
mdl1summary = anova(mdl1,'summary');
X2 = R2.Research.TM_max_MFB(1,1:7) - R2.Research.P_max_MFB(1,1:7); X2 = X2*100;
Y2 =,1:7); Y2 = Y2';
mdl2 = fitlm(X2,Y2);
mdl2summary = anova(mdl2,'summary');
X3 = R3.Research.TM_max_MFB(1,1:7) - R3.Research.P_max_MFB(1,1:7); X3 = X3*100;
Y3 =,1:7); Y3 = Y3';
mdl3 = fitlm(X3,Y3);
mdl3summary = anova(mdl3,'summary');
figure(1); grid on ; hold on
legend('Adjusted data','Linear ployfit ')
xlabel('MFB_Pmax - MFB_TMmax [%]')
ylabel('Exhaust Energy [%]')


Chunru 2022-8-29
load carsmall
X = [Weight,Horsepower,Acceleration];
% Fit a linear regression model by using fitlm.
mdl = fitlm(X,MPG);
% use handle for plotting
h = plot(mdl)
h =
3×1 Line array: Line (data) Line (fit) Line (95% conf. bounds)
h(1).Marker = 's' % change marker
h =
3×1 Line array: Line (data) Line (fit) Line (95% conf. bounds)
delete(h(3)) % delete bounds

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