Is there anything faster than the below specified Matlab structure?

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Dear all,
This is what I have as a matlab structure:
I first specify the following general function
function [KK1, KK2]= fun_1(x,y1, y2)
Then I specify
target.posterior = @fun_1;
target.inargs{1} = y1;
target.inargs{2} = y2;
And finally I include fun_1 in the following function
[KK3,KK4] = mel(x, target, ....);
Is there any equivalent Matlab structure that could beat in speed the above structure in terms of how to imput the function fun_1 into the mel function?
Thanks a lot in advance!!
I use MatlabR2022a


Matt J
Matt J 2022-8-31
编辑:Matt J 2022-8-31
This would be slightly better,
target.posterior = @fun_1;
target.inargs = {y1,y2};
but you are down in the weeds. None of the operations in your post could ever be slow enough to be worth optimizing.

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