Why is the MathWorks Product Installer asking me to "Eject DVD 1 and insert DVD 2 to continue."?

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MathWorks Support Team
If you are running the installer from the ISO
  1. Make sure you should have downloaded 2 ISO files. They are labeled at the end of the filename. For example, DVD 1 for R2018b Update 8 on Windows would be labeled "R2018b_Update_8_win64_dvd1".
  2. You will need to eject the first ISO when you reach this message. Since an ISO is treated like a DVD by your computer, you can eject it from File Explorer on Windows or Finder on MacOS.
  3. Mount the second ISO by double-clicking on it.
  4. Press OK inside the installer.
Note: If you mounted both ISO files when you started the installation, you will need to eject both of them, mount the second one, and then press OK in the installer. If this does not work, restart the installation with only the first ISO mounted.
If you are running the installer from a DVD
  1. Eject the installer DVD from the computer.
  2. Insert the second DVD into the same DVD drive that you put the first into.
  3. Press OK inside the installer.
Note: If you inserted both DVDs when you started the installation, eject both DVDs and insert the second DVD where the first one was originally placed.
If you'd like to merge both ISO files into one, follow the link below.
How can I obtain a single installation package for MATLAB with the ISOs (Merge the ISO Images)?

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