Which function can I use to get the information of simulink.AliasType/NumericType in M file?
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Which function can I use to get the information of simulink.AliasType/NumericType in M file?
such as for Enum class, we can use getEnumTypeInfo to get the information of Enum, i would like to know the simaliar function for Alias type and NumericType
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Andy Bartlett
First you need to have access to the Alias Type as a variable.
If you only have the name of the alias type used by a model, then you can get a copy of the variable using slResolve
aliasTypeVariable = slResolve( aliasTypeNameString, modelNameOrHandle )
Once you have the variable, you can use fixed.extractNumericType to get the type attributes.
For example,
myAliasType1 = Simulink.AliasType;
myAliasType1.BaseType = 'fixdt(1,16,3)';
nt1 = fixed.extractNumericType( myAliasType1.BaseType)
myAliasType2 = Simulink.AliasType;
myAliasType2.BaseType = 'single';
nt2 = fixed.extractNumericType( myAliasType2.BaseType)
FYI: You can also use fixed.extractNumericType to get the numerictype info from other things such as numeric variable or a type name.
myNumericVar = single(pi);
nt3 = fixed.extractNumericType(myNumericVar)
nt4 = fixed.extractNumericType('ufix16_En13')
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