Simscape Fuel Cell - unexpected behavior

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Good morning, I am trying to use the Fuel cell block in the Simscape environment with model fidelity sets on Simplified - nominal conditions.
I implemented a simple code to check the right behavior of the system. In particular, I compared the analytical polarization curve and the polarization curve obtained by Simscape measuring the fuel cell voltage and the current. I used a variable resistor to set the working conditions.
I would like to understand why there is this difference.
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%% Parameters
Eoc = 65; %[V]
A = 0.23; %[V]
N_unit = 10;
i0 = 80; %[A]
N = 65;
Ri = 0.05; %[Ohm]
ifc = linspace(0,300,1e3);
E = Eoc - N*A*log(ifc/i0);
vfc = N_unit*E-Ri*ifc;
%% Simulation
%% Plot
figure, plot(ifc,vfc,'LineWidth',2), grid on, grid minor, hold on
plot(ans.current.Data, ans.voltage.Data, '--','LineWidth',2)
axis([0 300 0 1600])
legend ('Analytical polarization curve', 'Simscape polarization curve')


Sabin 2022-12-20
We are aware of this behaviour which is cause by a small internal resistance used for protection. This will result in a small voltage drop. The workaround would be to measure the internal voltage using a Probe block rather than measuring with a voltage sensor. This will be corrected in future releases.

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