Import data csv with date/time and other info with setvaropts
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I try to import a csv file into a table int the workspace.
My fist colonn in the csv is date with a time following : day/ month/ year hour minute.
The other collonns are datas that could be considered as double.
The code I am using is :
opts = detectImportOptions('essai_data_3.csv','Delimiter',';')
opts.VariableTypes = {'datetime','double','double','double','double'};
opts = setvaropts(opts,1,'DatetimeFormat','dd.MM.uuuu HH:mm:ss');
opts = setvaropts(opts,2:5,'DecimalSeparator',',');
T = readtable('essai_data_3.csv',opts);
T.Properties.VariableNames{1} = 'Time';
T.Properties.VariableNames{2} = 'Data1';
T.Properties.VariableNames{3} = 'Data2';
I tried to read the datasheet of "setvaropts" and use the answears from other questions but i didn't reached what I wanted and I get an error warning as my date format is not recognised because of an "'anbiguity" (PLEASE look at the orange warning)
0 个评论
Simon Chan
Try this:
opts = detectImportOptions('','Delimiter',';');
opts.VariableTypes = {'datetime','double','double','double','double'};
opts = setvaropts(opts,1,'InputFormat','dd/MM/uuuu HH:mm');
opts = setvaropts(opts,2:5,'DecimalSeparator',',');
T = readtable('',opts)
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