matlab equivalent of "+="

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Samuel 2011-10-11
评论: Real User 2024-1-31
Hello all,
First of all, I would like to say thanks for all your help. Your prompt and accurate replies save me a lot of programming time.
When I used to program in java, there was a useful command, so to say:
which will increment the variable itself. This was a useful function to use in for loops. I was wondering if matlab had a shortcut expression such as this, something that I can use in an array even, so like
somearray[i]+=; can work? Or is the only available option to say counter=counter+1? I just want to see if there was a faster way to write the expression.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-10-11
for-loops automatically increment and any reassignment inside the loop will be reset at the next increment:
for ii = 1:10
ii = 5000;
To be able to toy with the counter use a while loop and to the assignment manually
count = count+1;
  6 个评论
Adam 2018-4-10
It's annoying to type, but why is it 'not efficient'?
Ilya Gurin
Ilya Gurin 2020-7-10
It's annoying both to type and to read.


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-10-11
MATLAB does not have ++ or += or -- or -= or *= or /= or %= and is not expected to get any of those for some time (if at all.)
I think if you look back at your Java you will find it was ++ rather than += that you were using for incrementing.
  4 个评论
Andrew 2024-1-18
@Alexandre Sagona Strong agree; I wish my MATLAB class at uni would just let me use C instead.
Real User
Real User 2024-1-31
data(complex_index_sequence, another_one) = data(complex_index_sequence, another_one) + data2
would benefit from "+=". It would be much easier to read and maintain.
It helps a bit to define the indices separately before that line, but "+=" would be better.



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