Problems to find the right function for curve fitting

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to find a function that fits good with curve obtained from a dynamic function. The dynamic model is a trajectory model with drag force and wind included. From this model I have exported 300 rows that contains Outlet velocity, launch angle, wind speed and landing spot(x) in each column. This is in the eqnarray. This is plotted for launch angle vs. landing spot(x), with a new curve for each wind setup. Outlet velocity is constant.
Then I try to run an minimization with fmincon in order to find a curve that fits well with the imported data. Im using a function like this:
length1(:,1)=B*T1.^4 + C*T1.^3 + D*T1.^2 + E*T1 + F*W1.^3 + G*W1.^2.5 + H*W1.^2 + I*W1 + J;
Where T1 is lanch angle in degree, theta. W1 is wind speed. -10,0,10. A..J are constant that is to be determined.
I discovered that the fmincon function was vulnerable for how i set the initial point for the function. Due to that I put it in a for loop, that puts randomly numbers as inital guesses. And extracts the best one.
However, this does not fit very well with my data that is to be fitted. I guess that it is the functiion that I have that not has the right format. But I dont have any more clues. Does anyone have an idea?
I am attaching the files if any one would like to have them, as well as an image that shows the fit I obtained with the function I have now.
Red is the data to be fitted, and blue is the result of the fmincon sovler.

回答(2 个)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2015-2-28
编辑:John D'Errico 2015-2-28
There is simply no need to use fmincon to fit this. That is equivalent to the use of a Mack truck to take a pea to Boston.
You could simply use my polyfitn, from the file exchange to fit that model. Or as easily, one use of backslash would suffice. There is no need to involve a routine that requires starting values, although fmincon SHOULD yield a stable result, so my initial guess is you did not code that call to fmincon properly.
So if T1 and W1 are column vectors, then all you need do is
coef = [T1.^4,T1.^3,T1.^3,T1,W1.^3,W1.^2.5,W1.^2,W1,ones(size(W1))]\length1;
It is entirely possible that there will be some numerical problems here. In fact, looking at the wind speeds in W1, I can predict that as a fact, and in fact, I can guess this is one reason why fmincon had problems.
Your file shows the 3rd column of eqnarray to be entirely one of the numbers -10, 0 or +10.
What is -10 raised to the 2.5 power? No matter how you try to do that, the number is complex. It will have an imaginary part.
ans =
0 + 316.23i
So I would suggest you have a serious problem with that proposed model.
You MIGHT decide to modify it, so that instead of raising W1 to the 2.5 power, you raise the absolute value of W1 to that power, then multiply by the sign of W1.
So let us try that...
coef = [T1.^4,T1.^3,T1.^3,T1,W1.^3,sign(W1).*abs(W1).^2.5,W1.^2,W1,ones(size(W1))]\length1
Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 6, tol = 1.104783e-05.
coef =
The warning message tells us the main reason why fmincon was susceptible to starting values. Your problem is rank deficient. Even if we use backslash, which needs no starting values at all, it turns out there is NO unique solution. One reason for that singularity can be seen in the values that W1 takes on. W1 is only ever one of three numbers in your data, -10, 0, 10. But you are trying to estimate the coefficient of 4 distinct parameters that include W1. Sorry, you have insufficient data to try that.
Again, you need to rethink your model.
So next, lets actually look more closely at your model. Is it even close to being reasonable? Sorry, but not in a million years. Lets do one simple plot.
I suppose I could have been nice and color coded those three curves you see as a function of w1. I really don't need to do so.
Those three curves show that the fundamental shape of that curve, including the location of where it has its maximum, changes according to the value of W1. This tells me that the model you have posed, where W1 and T1 are involved as completely separate things, cannot possibly be a good model for your curve.
Again, you need to change your model. I'm not sure who suggested the one you did choose, but it was a poor choice of model.
So, the next step is to look at your problem more closely yet again. The current approach I'll use is one I learned many years ago in modeling. Lets look at the curve you would get for EACH wind speed independently, then see if we can come up with a model after inspecting the coefficients we would get from each separate model.
When I do that, segmenting the data on Wind speed, I see these models arise:
W1 == 10
29.235 + 2.0699*T1 + -0.071679*[T1 - 24.576].^1.9037
W1 == 0
280.75 + 6.7572*x + -8.1935e-10*[x - -312.63].^4.6175
W1 = -10
1.7422 + 2.2603*x + -8.2398e-12*[x - -126.51].^5.7191
The idea is to see if we could have modeled those coefficients as a function of wind speed. In fact, while each of these models fit very nicely, the coefficients seem to have nothing in common across wind speeds.
So perhaps I need to make my model simpler, not more complex. That first set of models I tried may have been overfitting the curves.
W1 == 10
-8.5525 + 5.7726*T1 + -0.21358*T1.^1.7238
W1 == 0
10.663 + 2.5083*T1 + -0.0067148*T1.^2.3111
W1 == -10
-5.0297 + 1.6707*T1 + -0.00020652*T1.^2.9591
In fact, these models seem pretty reasonable. The next step could be to model the parameters in these models as a function of wind speed. But in fact, much simpler is not to do so. I'd suggest that you could get a reasonable prediction for any wind speed by simply evaluating each of those models, then interpolating those predictions as a function of wind speed.
mdl_10 = @(T1) -8.5525 + 5.7726*T1 + -0.21358*T1.^1.7238;
mdl_0 = @(T1) 10.663 + 2.5083*T1 + -0.0067148*T1.^2.3111
mdl_m10 = @(T1) -5.0297 + 1.6707*T1 + -0.00020652*T1.^2.9591
mdls = @(T1) [mdl_m10(T1), mdl_0(T1), mdl_10(T1)];
predfun = @(T1,W1) interp1([-10 0 10],mdls(T1),W1,'spline')
So now, to predict at any particular wind speed (-7.5) and elevation angle (37 degrees), you need do no more than this:
ans =
The use of the 'spline' option in interp1 here was surely massive overkill with only effectively 3 data points in wind speed. Regardless, lets look at the resulting surface.
[W,T] = meshgrid(-10:10,20:70);
L = zeros(size(W));
for i = 1:numel(W)
L(i) = predfun(T(i),W(i));
The z axis here is length, as a function of wind speed and elevation angle.
That seems eminently reasonable, and we can surely do no better without better data to model.
  6 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2015-3-4
编辑:John D'Errico 2015-3-4
With many terms, you will never be able to invert it, especially if your goal is an analytical solution.
And even if you could invert that model, there are multiple solutions.
HOWEVER, if you have the modeled surface as I built it (and better yet if you have more wind speed data points to fill in the model), you can generate the function you so desire, although only as a piecewise linear curve. But that will be entirely adequate.
I'll look back in later today and explain how you do this from the model you have.
Jared Hansen
Jared Hansen 2015-3-5
Yes, if I could have the function of the surfaced model. I would have what I needed.


Luuk van Oosten
Luuk van Oosten 2015-2-28
My best guess is (I had a quick glance at your codes) that your fitting model
length1(:,1)=B*T1.^4 + C*T1.^3 + D*T1.^2 + E*T1 + F*W1.^3 + G*W1.^2.5 + H*W1.^2 + I*W1 + J;
is not satisfactory. I mean, you can give MATLAB the data and tell it that it has to fit a linear model like
y= a*x + b
(which is clearly not the case for your parabolic-like graph) and it will give you the most 'perfect' linear fit. That linear fit however is not nearly a nice fitting of the data, but the best MATLAB could do with what you gave it to work with. Check if your fitting model is OK.
  1 个评论
Jared Hansen
Jared Hansen 2015-3-2
Yes, I understand that my assumption of model was not good. But I dont really know how to include something like the peak shift in the model. Therefor I tried to set it in the power of 2.5. It didn't contribute anything though..


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