error using ros2genmsg function in matlab 2021b (ubuntu, ros2 foxy)

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to use matlab 2021b linux version to build my ros2 message package. I manage to solve the problems with lib and python but still encounter an error when building the message. Below is the output in command window and the build log is attached in the post.
ros2genmsg msg
Identifying message files in folder '/home/igs/Desktop/lx/SIM/msg'..Done.
Validating message files in folder '/home/igs/Desktop/lx/SIM/msg'..Done.
[6/6] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... Done.
Running colcon build in folder '/home/igs/Desktop/lx/SIM/msg/matlab_msg_gen/glnxa64'.
Build in progress. This may take several minutes..."/home/igs/R2021b/toolbox/ros/mlros2/+ros/+ros2/+internal/" "/home/igs/R2021b/sys/ros2/glnxa64/ros2" "/home/igs/.matlab/R2021b/ros2/glnxa64/venv" build --merge-install --cmake-args -G Ninja --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE=-O0 : Segmentation fault
Error using ros.internal.ROSProjectBuilder/buildPackage (line 552)
Error building package: build log.
Error in ros2genmsg (line 276)
buildPackage(builder, [], ' --merge-install', colconMakeArgs); %other messages might need to be present in the same directory
The problem with this error is that there seems no error in the build log but the build process just cannot be completed. I would suspect it has something to do with CMAKE but I cannot prove it. If you have any idea, please feel free to share, thanks in advance.
  5 个评论
xing li
xing li 2022-9-21
Hi Jagadeesh,
I have a software package that contains these messages and it can be built successfully, so I would say the system is fine.
Restart machine does not help, same error.
It is a work station, I remotely control the computer via vnc but the drive shall be local.
Karthik Reddy Vennapureddy
Hi Xing,
Could you delete the matlab_msg_gen folder, rerun the ros2genmsg. Please zip the enire "log" folder in matlab_msg_gen/glnxa64 directory and share it with us.
Please also attach the support file generated by the following command:
Karthik Reddy


回答(1 个)

Remo Pillat
Remo Pillat 2023-11-10
If this issue persists, please contact MATLAB's tech support:


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