Would you tell me the code for Fisher Pearson skewness?

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Would you tell me the code for Fisher Pearson skewness?
How can I get the skewness with Fisher Pearson formula..?


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2022-9-21
编辑:David Goodmanson 2022-9-21
Hi Chris,
y = rand(1,100); % some data
m = mean(y);
n = numel(y);
scalc = (sum((y-m).^3)/n)/var(y,1)^(3/2)
s = skewness(y)
scalc agrees with Matlab's skewness function.
You have to be careful using the variance here (or the standard deviation). The var default is
but for variance as used in Matlab's skewness function, you divide by n instead of (n-1). That means using var(y,1) rather than the default var(y). Same idea for std if that were used.

更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-9-20
FPskewness = sum(x - mean(x)) / numel(x) / std(x).^3
You would need to be more rigourous if you wanted to handle non-vectors.
  5 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2022-9-21
Jeff is correct. Skewness would be a scaled (normalized) 3rd central moment, so there MUST be a cube in there.
Sim 2023-11-27
Hi, what should be changed, in the @Walter Roberson formula, to make it correct? I do not understand...
y = rand(1,100); % some data
m = mean(y);
n = numel(y);
s = skewness(y) % matlab embedded function
s = -0.2898
scalc = (sum((y - m).^3) / numel(y)) / var(y,1)^(3/2) % David Goodmanson solution
scalc = -0.2898
FPskewness = sum(y - mean(y)) / numel(y) / std(y).^3 % Walter Roberson solution
FPskewness = -8.9461e-16



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