how to calculate biokinetic parameters?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)


Davide Masiello
Davide Masiello 2022-9-23
You can use MatLab's fit function. Let me give you an example.
Let us assume you have the following set of 50 experimental values of S and mu
S = linspace(0,10000,50);
mu = 0.1160*S./(43.53+S+(S.^2/387))-0.5*rand(size(S))/500; % I have added random noise to the measured values
Now, you can create a fittype using, let's say, the Haldane model.
fitfunc = fittype(@(mumax,KS,KI,x) mumax*x./(KS+x+x.^2/KI));
The you give initial guesses for the three parameters.
x0 = [0.1 50 300];
And eventually use fit to optimize the parameters using the experimental data.
f = fit(S',mu',fitfunc,'StartPoint',x0);
coeffvals = coeffvalues(f)
coeffvals = 1×3
0.1280 67.0570 328.6587
As you can see, the coefficient values are slightly different from those specified in your table due to my adding of a random noise to simulate experimental data.
You can use the same procedure with the other functions listed in your table.
  6 个评论
Pooja 2022-9-29
thank you so much.
sir little problem arise with code, I am not familier with Matlab. I can't recognise the code issue.
Please sir Help me.
It's code Quarry
figure plot(s, mu, '.', 'DisplayName','Data')
Error using figure
Argument must be a Figure object or a positive integer.
hold on plot(sv, ypred, '-r', 'DisplayName','Regression')
Error using hold
First argument must be an axes object.


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