Add just one checkbox node to a TREE (app designer)

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello! Is it possible to add just one checkbox node to a standard TREE? I'm using the app designer.
Thank you in advance


Veronica Taurino
Veronica Taurino 2022-10-17
编辑:Veronica Taurino 2022-10-17
I created a workaround for this problem: I used the icon property to simulate the checkbox with two images (black square: checkbox on, white square: checkbox off). A context menu on the requested node (callback hide/show) updates the icon of the node. It works. Any suggestions to improve the code?
In my app design I have something like:
%% stuff...
cm = uicontextmenu(app.UIFigure);
imgStyle = uistyle("Icon",path);
addStyle(app.TreeResults, imgStyle, "node", node)
uimenu(cm,"Text","Hide/Show polygons","MenuSelectedFcn",{@HIDE_callback, app.UIFigure, HandlePolygons});
%% stuff...
The callback to update the icon:
function HIDE_callback(~, ~, f, HandlePolygons)
if strcmpi(HandlePolygons.Visible,'off')
node= f.CurrentObject ;
imgStyle = uistyle("Icon",path);
addStyle(app.TreeResults, imgStyle, "node", node)

更多回答(1 个)

Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado 2022-9-29
Each type of Tree object supports a different set of properties. For a full list of properties and descriptions for each type, see the associated property page.


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