What code what should I input in the slope, y tangent and y normal? I am currently stuck and tried some codes but it still has an error as seen in the second photo..

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(~Second Photo~ Ps. I got some answers and values but it is still wrong.)

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-10-2
is tangent line is a line, and needs to be expressed in the form y = m*x+b for some numeric m, some numeric b, and symbolic x
You already calculated m and I pointed out earlier how to calculate b.
  2 个评论
Neil Allen
Neil Allen 2022-10-3
okay so now I got the answers and have the right form of graph but the I don't what is the error that it says here.
here is how it is coded and I am not authorize to change the highlighted codes.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-10-3
ynormal should also be of the form y=m*x+b, but with a slope that is calculated to be perpendicular to ytangent.
You should not be hardcoding m or the intercept for ytangent or the slope for ynormal.



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