issue with MATLAB figure
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I create a figure xx.fig, now I save it as: xx.jpg. Eveything is fine. Now I made a copy of this file yy.fig because I need to modify the font size to have better resolution. Only I increased the font from 220 to 22. When I save the file as jpg, it gives me bad resolution compared with the previous one. What is the reason? I can not modify the font.
Thanks inadvance for your quick response.
This one is font 20
This one is font 22 but it looks worse inside word document
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回答(1 个)
Robert U
Hi Aymen Zreikat,
Please have a look at the export function you use. I recommend to use print() since it comes with several configuration options.
close all
data = rand(1,100);
data = [1:100; data];
fh = figure;
ah = axes(fh);
ah.XLabel.String = 'Cell Radius (km)';
ah.YLabel.String = 'Max Nr. of User (-)';
ah.XLabel.FontSize = 22;
ah.YLabel.FontSize = 22;
Kind regards,
4 个评论
Robert U
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Kind regards,
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