Wavelet Covariance Transform code in Matlab

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Can someone please give a link to code/flowchart for executing Wavelet covariance transform of a function in matlab? Thanks
  2 个评论
Wayne King
Wayne King 2015-3-6
Santino, Can you please explain in more detail what you mean by the "wavelet covariance transform" of a function. Are you sure you don't mean wavelet coherence between two functions?
Or do you mean, given some data, how do I compute the wavelet autocorrelation (autocovariance) for that data?
Santino M
Santino M 2015-3-6
Hi Wayne. The problem statement goes like this. Given a time series data, the inflection points (or points of maximum change w.r.t time) need to be found. A Haar function is used along with integration to get wavelet covariance transform. Details are given in Section 2 of the link pdf. I need to know how it can be executed in matlab.Thanks. http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/1520-0426(2003)020%3C1092%3AFBLTAO%3E2.0.CO%3B2


回答(1 个)

Christiaan 2015-3-9
Dear Santino,
What you could do is to create two functions, where in the first one, the function f(z) times h is calculated and in the second file the integral is computed.
This would be the mfile to compute the function_fz_times_h:
function fz_times_h = function_fz_times_h(z,a,b)
fz = exp(z).*log(z); % <-- here write your own function inside
if (z<=b)|(z>=(b-a/2))
elseif (z>=b)|(z>=(b+a/2))
fz_times_h = fz*h;
Then in this mfile you define the covariance transform of the Haar function:
function w_f = function_wf(a,b,z_b,z_t)
w_f = 1/a*quadgk(@(z)function_fz_times_h(z,a,b),z_b,z_t);
And then in the main file you can compute directly the covariance transform of the Haar function:
clc;clear all;close all;
a = 1; b = 1;
z_b = 0; z_t = 1;
Good luck! Christiaan


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