Solve matrix equations using loop

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone!
I have a matrix A(3x3)
A= (2 10 15
3 5 -7
3 -2 -2 )
And Matrx B (3x1)
B = (B1
Matrix C (3x1), where all values are equal to each other
C= (C1
So, I need using loop, solve the equations and find the values of C1, B2 and B3. B1 is known for me, and has 125 elements. For each B1, I have to find C1, B2 and B3 respectively
Solve the equation A*B=C
Thank you in advance!

回答(1 个)

Chunru 2022-10-8
The equations you have:
You want to solve it for , and . You need to rearrage the equations:
Now you solve this new system of equations with unknowns as :
A = [ 2 10 15
3 5 -7
3 -2 -2 ];
Anew = [-ones(3, 1) A(:, 2:3)];
AnewInv = inv(Anew);
b1 = rand(5,1); % rand(125,1) or your data
for i=1:length(b1)
bnew = -b1(i)*A(:, 1);
res = AnewInv*bnew %[c1; n2; b3]
res = 3×1
0.9814 0.0096 0.0134
res = 3×1
1.8311 0.0178 0.0250
res = 3×1
0.9554 0.0093 0.0130
res = 3×1
1.8897 0.0184 0.0258
res = 3×1
0.4087 0.0040 0.0056


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