Not able to correct the sign of computed SVD.

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I am trying to check the working of Matlab's SVD by correcting the sign of the computed SVD.
Step 1: I am creating an A matrix from random U,S and V' ;
Step 2: I am calculating the svd(A) and finding subsequent U2,S2 and V2'
Step 3: Next up I am comparing the U, V and A by taking the norm of their difference!
Step 4: Correction step; I am multiplying the computed U2, V2 with appropriate sign changes such that they get back to the original sign convention.
Step 5: I am again comparing them with original U,V and A in N4,N5 and N6!
The U matrix is getting corrected but the V and A matrix is still showing error of high orders! Can anyone help me with this!
U = rand(50);
V = rand(50);
d = rand(50,1);
s = sort(d);
S = diag(d);
A = U*S*(V)'; % Compute A matrix from U, S, V
[U2,S2,V2]= svd(A); % Compute SVD of A
A2 = U2*S2*(V2)';
N3= norm(A2-A);
D = ((U2')*U); % Converting to diagonal matrix for plotting only
D2 = ((V2')*V);
A3 = (U2*D)*S2*(D2*V2)';
N6 = norm(A3-A);
  5 个评论
Torsten 2022-10-10
Did you ask google ? There are so many hits for "matlab & generate unitary matrix".
Anshuman 2022-10-10
Naah, I figured it out from my linear algebra class! Thanks!


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