extracting the second column of all cells of a struct

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I have a struct, x1_surf, that contains 1070 cells, each cell has 4 cells, now I want to extract the second column of the inner cells with the order.
This is x1_surf
This is the x1_surf{1,1}
now, I want to extract the second column of all inccer cells with the correct order, I mean x1_surf{1,:}{1,2}
I write a script like that:
It works correcly for some files, however for some other files, the order of the date is mixed up and they are not in the right order. Could anyone help me how I can rewise it?


David Hill
David Hill 2022-10-11
for k=1:length(x1_surf)
  5 个评论
David Hill
David Hill 2022-10-12
I am assuming you just want just one listing of all the date-times.
for k=1:length(x1_surf)
ans = 20×1 datetime array
11-Sep-2019 13:29:00 11-Sep-2019 13:39:00 11-Sep-2019 13:49:00 11-Sep-2019 13:59:00 11-Sep-2019 14:09:00 11-Sep-2019 14:19:00 11-Sep-2019 14:29:00 11-Sep-2019 14:39:00 11-Sep-2019 14:49:00 11-Sep-2019 14:59:00 11-Sep-2019 15:09:00 11-Sep-2019 15:19:00 11-Sep-2019 15:29:00 11-Sep-2019 15:39:00 11-Sep-2019 15:49:00 11-Sep-2019 15:59:00 11-Sep-2019 16:09:00 11-Sep-2019 16:19:00 11-Sep-2019 16:29:00 11-Sep-2019 16:39:00


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