Matlab running very slow on Macbook Pro

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi. I have Matlab 2014b running on a Macbook Pro with 2.9GHz Intel Core I7 and 8GB RAM. Every time I use matlab on my macbook the computer become really slow, sometimes the software doesn't respond at all.
I tried monitoring the activity and found that the software is occupying more than 300% of the cpu.
The macbook should satisfy the system requirement, but it doesn't... wondering why that happens and how to solve the problem, Thank you!
  5 个评论
Jaroslav Vido
Jaroslav Vido 2020-8-5
The same problem.
version: R2020a
Mac: MacBook PRO 13, proc. 2,3 GHz dualcore Intel Core i5, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
solution: As proposed by Irwin press: click Preferences. b. In the Preferences dialog box, in the MATLAB > General > Source Control pane, select None.
problem solved...
Shi Zhan
Shi Zhan 2022-8-23
I never expected this would be solved so easily. Thank you very much!



Irwin press
Irwin press 2016-11-16
1. Git™ integration in MATLAB tracks the status of every file under the Git project root location. This includes the .git folder, which maintains the revision history of the repository. A performance degradation occurs when the file/folder structure under the root is very large. If you are not using source control features within MATLAB, you can disable source control integration. a. On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences. b. In the Preferences dialog box, in the MATLAB > General > Source Control pane, select None.
2. If that did not help to resolve the issue, please check and see if the Current Folder window is open in MATLAB. This should show up along the right side of the MATLAB window and should show the files contained in the current folder you are working from. If the Current Folder window is open, try closing it. You can do this by either right-clicking the top of that window and selecting Close, or by selecting the down arrow on its right side and selecting the Close option at the bottom. Then restart MATLAB and see if you still encounter these slow speeds and lag.
3. You could also try to disable auto-refresh in the Current Folder browser settings from the preferences window. To do this, select the Home tab from the toolstrip at the top of the MATLAB window, and select the Preferences button in the Environment section towards the right. With the preferences window open, select the drop-down button next to MATLAB and go the Current Folder selection. Under the Refresh section, there should be a "Auto-refresh view from file system" option with a check box. If the box is currently checked, click on it to uncheck it. Then restart MATLAB and see if this helps with the issue any.
4. Additionally, please ensure that there are no network directories on your path. Make sure that all the folders and directories that you are working with on your path are local to you machine and are not network directories.

更多回答(1 个)

Chouaib Bencheikh
Chouaib Bencheikh 2022-1-11
I had the same issue. I resolved following the answer in the following post.
Grammarly was the application causing issues when interacting with MATLAB. After disabling the accessibility feature of the app, things got back to normal.
Good luck!
  2 个评论
Makis 2022-4-29
Hi my matlab is lagging a lot and I also use Grammarly. How exactly can I disable the accessibility feature ?
Chouaib Bencheikh
Chouaib Bencheikh 2022-4-29
Hi Makis,
You can disable it under
"System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility"
Please, read the answer below for more info.



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