How can I make a random deployed point move to new position and return to the same position ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
if I have random point this point move in the following way
OldPosition = let say (0,0)
AngleOption = [-14.3239 -7.1620 7.1620 14.3239];
for Angle1 = 1:numel(AngleOption)
pickangle11 = AngleOption(Angle1);
ZZ= Do some calculations
Displacement = [cos(pickangle11(:)) .* v1 ,sin(pickangle11(:)) .* v1];
NewPosition = OldPosition + Displacement
How can Move the point x from the original position (OldPosition) to the New Position 1 and let it return to the original Position (OldPosition)
and so on up to experience all 4 angles ?
In other word make it move in direction 1 and back the original position, then move in direction 2 and back the original position , then move in direction 3 and back the original position , and finally move in direction 4 and back to the original position, to let choose the best direction , this is the purpose
Thanks in advance for any help

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