Using a slider component

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Abdias 2022-10-22
Hello! I am currently learning how to create an app with matlab and I need help with the slider component. I have a UIaxes created with data and now I want to use a slider to allow the user to pick a year (x axis) and have the graph highlight or show the Y axis. Thank you for your time and knowledge!
% Button down function: UIAxes
function UIAxesButtonDown(app, event)
app.UIAxes.XTickMode = 'auto';
app.UIAxes.YTickMode = 'auto';
app.UIAxes.XTickLabelMode = "auto";
app.UIAxes.YTickLabelMode = "auto";
x = 2000:1:2015;
y = [15963118.48, 16310353.16, 16597710.52, 16890900.28, 17188234.08, 17488388.63, 17790991.86, 18094962.78, 18691004.11, 18974535.08, 19245570.55 , 19504600.9 ,19752407.16 ,19990338.32 ,20219176.19, 21894356.15];
% Value changing function: Slider
function SliderValueChanging(app, event)
changingValue = event.Value;

回答(1 个)

Amit Dhakite
Amit Dhakite 2023-2-16
Hi Abdias,
As per my understanding, you want to make an app in which you can take input of the year from the slider, and highlight that year's part of the plot.
You can consider the attached file which contains an example of the implementation to achieve the required results.
% Value changed function: Slider
function ValueChange(app, event)
value = floor(app.Slider.Value);
app.Slider.Value = value;
x = app.X;
y = app.Y;
plot(app.UIAxes, x, y);
% You can edit the value of range to change the width of
% highlighted part
range = 1;
ptchidx = (x >= value - range) & (x <= value + range);
patch(app.UIAxes, [x(ptchidx) fliplr(x(ptchidx))], [y(ptchidx) zeros(size(y(ptchidx)))], [0.9 0.7 0.5], 'FaceAlpha',0.3, 'EdgeColor','none')
For further information on the functions used in the code, kindly refer to the following links:


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