Solve the ODE using ODE45 and plot the response for the initial conditions

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
funtion xdot = ode45(x, t);
xdot = x^4 - 7*x^2 + 6*x;
%Plotting Data
%x(0) = -3.5
t = (0: 0.01 : 0.5);
x = ('ode45'; -3.5; t);
plot (t,x)
%x(0) = -0.2
t = (0: 0.01 : 0.5);
x = ('ode45'; -0.2; t);
plot (t,x)
%x(0) = 1.1
t = (0: 0.01 : 0.5);
x = ('ode45'; 1.1; t);
plot (t,x)
%x(0) = 2.5
t = (0: 0.01 : 0.5);
x = ('ode45'; 2.5; t);
plot (t,x)

回答(1 个)

Jan 2022-10-23
If you call a function "ode45", it depends on where its folder is located in Matlab's path, if it is used or the original ODE45 function of Matlab. This is called "shadowing". Avoid to use names of built-in Matlab functions for your own variables and functions, because this causes many troubles.
This notation is deprecated since Matlab 5.0 (1996). Use subplot(3,1,1) or the modern tiledlayout (since R2021a).
This line is not meaningful:
x = ('ode45'; -3.5; t);
Remember, that this is a Matlab forum. "endfunction" is not Matlab, but might be Octave.
Please take the time to ask a specific question.


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