- The checkerboard pattern is not being detected properly. Make sure that the checkerboard is well-lit and that the pattern is clear and distinct. You may also need to adjust the checkerboard settings in the Lidar Camera Calibrator.
- The detection parameters are not set correctly. The detection parameters control how the Lidar Camera Calibrator searches for features in the image or point cloud data. Try adjusting the detection parameters until you find a setting that works.
- The data is corrupted. If the data is corrupted, the Lidar Camera Calibrator will not be able to detect any features. Try re-recording the data or downloading a new dataset.
When using lidar camera calibrator import data , it always shows "Feature Detection Failed", how to solve it ?
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The error message "Feature Detection Failed" means that the Lidar Camera Calibrator could not find any features in the image or point cloud data. This can happen for a few reasons:
I hope the above suggestions will help you solve the issue.
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