vector field over a curve stripe

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone!
I'm using R2021a .
I have this function called plotaFita, wich gives me some points over a curve stripe.
I would like to see some vector fields over this surface. These vectors all have the same norm. But it do not look so.
Check out this gif I made:
This animation was made by the function FazVideoM123(fi_,theta0,dr,dz,Raio,Nx,Nz) , with
fi_ = 0:.01:(2*pi) ; theta0 = pi/2 ; dr = 2.0000e-06 ; dz = 1.8000e-06 ; Raio = 3.1831e-05 ; Nx = 15; Nz = 10;
The three vector fields are basically the same, exchanged their cilindrical components, as represented by the functions plotaM1 , plotaM2 , plotaM3 .
I wonder if there's some throuble with z component of these vector fields, but I can't find it. Does anyone got an idea about it?
  2 个评论
Gabriel Silva
Gabriel Silva 2022-11-21
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