How to create a polar plot?
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Hi All,
I have a signal (a complex tall vector) and I'd like to creat polar plots of it with a line connecting points that are adjacent in time.
the signal is attached and any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I did so far, but seems something is wrong
x = real(S);
y = imag(S);
rho = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)
theta = atan(y./x)
polarplot(theta, rho)
and I got this
I don't underestand why is everything in the right half plane.
0 个评论
David Hill
load S
x = real(S);
y = imag(S);
rho = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2);
theta = atan2(y,x);%use atan2 (4 quadrant)
polarscatter(theta, rho,'filled','SizeData',10);%I assume you want a scatter plot
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