Input function must return 'double' or 'single' values. Found 'sym'.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
When i use the integral command i get the following error, even though i defined all of the variables:
Error using integralCalc/finalInputChecks
Input function must return 'double' or 'single' values. Found 'sym'.
Error in integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 315)
Error in int (line 24)
f4 = (1/(t-s^4))*(rho_w_ad+t_w_ad*((x/(t-s))^2-0.5))*exp(-(x/(t-s))^2);
where rho_w_ad, t_w_ad:
syms t s x
alpha = 20;
h = 1;
rho_in = 0;
T_in = exp(-alpha*(s-h));
% this is the first integral
f1 = s*(rho_in*((s^2)/(t^2)-5)+T_in*((s^4)/(t^4)-(11*(s^2))/(2*(t^2))+3.5))*(exp(-s^2/t^2));
firstFunc = matlabFunction(f1);
rho_w_ad = @(t) integral(@(s) firstFunc(s,t) , 0,inf)*(1./t.^2.*(-1./2));
% this is the second integral
f2 = s*(rho_in*((s^2)/(t^2)-1)+T_in*((s^4)/(t^4)-(3*(s^2))/(2*(t^2))+1.5))*(exp(-s^2/t^2));
secondFunc = matlabFunction(f2);
t_w_ad= @(t) integral(@(s) secondFunc(s,t) , 0,inf)*(1./t.^2);
% f4 is further down
what am i doing wrong?


Torsten 2022-11-15
编辑:Torsten 2022-11-15
rho_w_ad and t_w_ad are functions of t. So you will have to define
f4 = @(t,x,s) (1./(t-s.^4)).*(rho_w_ad(t)+t_w_ad(t).*((x./(t-s)).^2-0.5)).*exp(-(x./(t-s)).^2);

更多回答(1 个)

Marcel 2022-11-15
编辑:Marcel 2022-11-15
Have you tried double(yourVarHere) ?
This way you can convert your variable to the expected double and you could try if this fixes your issue. You have to convert the correct variable tho


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