How to to interpolate missing data (two peaks) on 3D graph on MATLAB?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I am struggling to interpolate the missing data from 3D scatter plot of data 2 (in the CSV attached file) to estimate two lost peaks, presented as data 1.
Could anyone please suggest me the functions or any solutions to solve the problem?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Nguyen Ngoc


KSSV 2022-11-18
T = readtable('') ;
data = table2array(T) ;
x = data(1,:) ; x(1) = [] ;
y = data(:,1) ; y(1) = [] ;
Z = data(2:end,2:end) ;
z = fillmissing(Z,'linear');
  1 个评论
Gem 2022-11-18
编辑:Gem 2022-11-18
Dear KSSV,
Your comment can solve the problem.
I also try to apply another fill method such as 'spline' on your codes. It works.
Thank you very much for your kind prompt help!
Best regards,
Nguyen Ngoc


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