Match the entries ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Khan Muhammad Adeel Khan
回答: dpb 2022-11-19
I want to match the entries in a cell and a double. The cell contains the name and the double contains the number. Kindly have a look into it. Many thanks !


dpb 2022-11-19
Look at categorical for your name variable and then either use "==" or the string matching functions such as matches for multiple isolation it's hard to know exactly what the use case is, but
tM=array2table(match,'NewVariableNames',{'Name','Value'}); % turn it into a table
tM.Name=categorical(tM.Name); % and categorical name variable
namesFind={'NameOne','NameTwo'}; % set a group of names to find somehow
ix=matches(tM.Name,namesFind); % the indices of the matches
tM.Value(ix) % display the Values of those rows in table...
tM(ix,:) % the whole table of those rows...
Obviously the general ideas can be modified as needed to match the specific desires wanted...

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