Code not is solving for the missing Variable but not inputing the inputs

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%1a create equation and solve for T
syms ko k Q R T
eqn = k ==ko*exp((-Q/(R*T)))
T_sol = solve(eqn,T)
%1b input values 1,2,3,4
ko = input('enter k_o value:\n');
k = input('enter k value:\n');
Q = input('enter Q value:\n');
R = input('enter R value:\n');
eqn = k ==ko*exp((-Q/(R*T)))
T_F = T_sol
%2 display solution T_F should equal -1.082

回答(1 个)

Rohit 2023-2-21
You need to call solve function again after taking the inputs to get the desired output.
>> T_F = double(solve(eqn,T))
T_F =
>> table(ko,k,Q,R,T_F)
ans =
1×5 table
ko k Q R T_F
__ _ _ _ _________________
1 2 3 4 -1.08202128066672


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