Are you going to allow the users of your app to add new songs or new images? If so, put those folders in "Files installed for your end user". But if you are not going to allowed this kind of operation and you want to "hide" it, put those folders in "Files required for your application to run". Don't forget to use fullfile to point correctly to your files.
% If you choose "Files installed for your end user" as your solution:
% (1) Create a property named "RootFolder"
% (2) Put the code below in the startup of your app
appName = "NameOfYourApp";
if isdeployed
[~, result] = system('path');
app.RootFolder = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once'));
prjPath = matlab.project.rootProject;
appPath = fullfile(char(com.mathworks.appmanagement.MlappinstallUtil.getAppInstallationFolder), appName);
if ~isempty(prjPath) & strcmp(prjPath.Name, appName)
app.RootFolder = char(prjPath.RootFolder);
elseif isfolder(appPath)
app.RootFolder = appPath;
error('path of the app...')
% If you choose "Files required for your application to run" as your solution:
% (1) Create a property named "RootFolder"
% (2) Put the code below in the startup of your app
appName = "NameOfYourApp";
if isdeployed
app.RootFolder = fullfile(ctfroot, appName);
prjPath = matlab.project.rootProject;
appPath = fullfile(char(com.mathworks.appmanagement.MlappinstallUtil.getAppInstallationFolder), appName);
if ~isempty(prjPath) & strcmp(prjPath.Name, appName)
app.RootFolder = char(prjPath.RootFolder);
elseif isfolder(appPath)
app.RootFolder = appPath;
error('path of the app...')
% And...
fullfile(app.RootFolder, 'ChildrenSong', 'NameOfTheSong.mp3')
fullfile(app.RootFolder, 'images', 'NameOfTheImage.jpeg')