link Star CCM+ and Matlab

29 次查看(过去 30 天)
Alessio 2011-10-19
评论: SorMun 2023-11-16
Hi!!! I have a question... I would like to open and work with a software (Star CCM+ by Adapco) from Matlab. I have done the same thing with Catia using the function "actxserver(Catia.Application)" but first I registered Catia like a com server with the string "CNEXT/regserver" in the DOS environment. The problem is that I don't know which are the strings to use for Star CCM for the regserver and actxserver can I find them?? Thank you everybody!!
  2 个评论
SorMun 2016-12-7
Hi Alessio,
This might not be the answer you are expecting since it applies to an equivalent CFD solver and not to Star CCM+. ANSYS Fluent has such functionality, so just in case, if this is an option for you, I will go ahead and answer.
It seems like you are looking for the equivalent functionality offered by ANSYS Fluent, i.e. the actfluentserver function. actfluentserver function is available on all Matlab platforms (not just limited to Windows) and allows connection to remote/local running Fluent sessions.
For more information, please visit my blog at .
You need more or less three lines of code to connect with a remote Fluent session (if, interested please read it in detail in the blog):
Once you activated the fluent_object then you can use it to make requests to the remote solver ( Fluent in this case).
Hope it helps
Dursman Mchabe
Dursman Mchabe 2021-3-20
Hello Alessio,
I am facing the same challenge.
How did you solve the challenge?
Thanking you in advance.



Sarah Palfreyman
Sarah Palfreyman 2017-1-10
As Sorin mentions, see ANSYS for the MATLAB AAS Toolbox interface.

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