Connecting to a parallel server over the Internet

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have managed to setup a MATLAB Parallel Server toolbox on a workstation computer and mangaged to submit jobs from my laptop. But this can only be done when the two computers are connected to the same local network. Is there a way to do this over the Internet?
Thank you.


Khairul Adib Yusof
Khairul Adib Yusof 2024-8-24
Update: I found an easy way to achieve this: use a VPN software called Tailscale. I have tried several other apps, but Tailscale is probably a free one that is easiest to use.

更多回答(1 个)

Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris 2022-12-7
The "server" machine has to be reachabe from the Internet. If this is an isolated machine, without a public IP address, you won't be able to reach it.
A consideration is looking at Cloud Center. It requires an AWS account, but you'll be able to submit parallel jobs to it.
  1 个评论
Khairul Adib Yusof
Khairul Adib Yusof 2022-12-9
Yes, the server is reachable from the Internet. I did mention in the title: "...over the Internet".



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