Directly it is not possible to achieve this 1 to n mapping from the function of uilistbox itself.
But you can have a look at the below demo script which can be a possible work around.
function dataselection
fig = uifigure('Position',[100 100 350 275]);
% Create Numeric Edit Field
ef = uitextarea(fig,...
'Position',[125 90 100 22],...
% Create List Box
lbox = uilistbox(fig,...
'Items', {'Freezing', 'Warm', 'Hot', 'Boiling'},...
'ItemsData', ['F', 'W', 'H', 'B'],...
'Position',[125 120 100 78],...
'ValueChangedFcn', @selectionChanged);
% ValueChangedFcn callback
function selectionChanged(src,event)
% Display list box data in edit field
switch src.Value
case 'F'
val = {'0' '1' };
case 'W'
val = {'20' '21'};
case 'H'
val = {'45' '46'};
case 'B'
val = {'100' '101'};
ef.Value = val;