deal array contents into cell arrays

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to figure out how to assign the values of an array to targeted cell arrays. E.g. I have a 16x6 cell array, and I want to distribute the 32 values of a 16x2 string array into the first two column of the cell, i.e CellArray{1,1} = StringArray(1,1), CellArray{16,2} = String(16,2), etc.
Given that I cannot know the size of the arrays a priori, do I need to figure out an annonymous function using deal to convert the MxN string array into M*N string scalars?
  1 个评论
Szemis 2022-12-9
The task is much easier if you can convert your string array into a cell array.
% a simple example
m = 16;
n = 4;
o = 2;
CellArray = cell(m,n);
String = strings(m,o);
cArr = num2cell(String);
[CellArray{1:m*o}] = cArr{:};



Stephen23 2022-12-9
编辑:Stephen23 2022-12-9
C = cell(3,2)
C = 3×2 cell array
{0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double}
S = ["cat","hat";"hello","world";"A","B"]
S = 3×2 string array
"cat" "hat" "hello" "world" "A" "B"
[C{:}] = deal(S{:})
C = 3×2 cell array
{'cat' } {'hat' } {'hello'} {'world'} {'A' } {'B' }
  2 个评论
Gabriel Stanley
Gabriel Stanley 2022-12-9
Thank you. WIthout a link to the tutorial, which didn't not come up in my google searching, I would not have realized string arrays were also eligible for {} indexing. While the example I gave used string arrays, I am interested to know how to do this with other data types. I've tried to replicate the assignment with integer values, but to no avail. I cannot tell from either of the linked articles how to go about performing this kind of assignment in the generic case.
Stephen23 2022-12-10
编辑:Stephen23 2022-12-10
"I cannot tell from either of the linked articles how to go about performing this kind of assignment in the generic case."
As my tutorial clearly states, comma-separated lists can be constructed from three particular data types. There is no "generic case" that applies to all data types.
Of course there is nothing stopping you from creating a cell array of data and using normal parenthesis indexing to assign it to the LHS cell array:
LHScellarray(:) = RHScellarray
This is completely unrelated to comma-separated lists.


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