Combine multiple columns into one column

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi. There is a table with the content in the image. I used the following code to convert the data in the 2nd column to integers:
matrix = PersontrainingData{:,:};
second_column = cell2mat(matrix(:, 2));
second_column = round (second_column);
Now I want to put together the first column in the picture (imagefilename) and the 4 columns I got after rounding, but I can't. I made various experiments and got results, but I do not share it so as not to prolong the topic. Thank you for your interest and have a nice day...


Voss 2022-12-13
If you want to replace the original (unrounded) second column with a rounded version, try this:
% a table similar to yours:
PersontrainingData = table({'file1.png';'file2.png'},{[630 195 30 38];[626.9255 194.9444 29.7777 37.7592]}, ...
'VariableNames',{'imageFilename' 'person'})
PersontrainingData = 2×2 table
imageFilename person _____________ _____________________________________ {'file1.png'} {[ 630 195 30 38]} {'file2.png'} {[626.9255 194.9444 29.7777 37.7592]}
% replace of the existing "person" variable with its rounded values:
PersontrainingData.person = cellfun(@round,PersontrainingData.person,'UniformOutput',false)
PersontrainingData = 2×2 table
imageFilename person _____________ _________________ {'file1.png'} {[630 195 30 38]} {'file2.png'} {[627 195 30 38]}
  2 个评论
Ali Osman Gökcan
Ali Osman Gökcan 2022-12-13
Thank you so much. Finally happened. :)
Thank you to everyone who tried to help.


更多回答(1 个)

Jiri Hajek
Jiri Hajek 2022-12-12
Hi, I believe you are almost there... To make the discussion simple, let's consider just one of the filenames. You need to make sure you have a variable (e.g. "fileName") containing the vector of characters (char array). Then you can separate parts of the filename using the fileparts function like this:
[filepath,name,ext] = fileparts(fileName)
Now you will be able to e.g. append your integer (myInteger) to the filename, for which you must turn it into char using num2str function like this:
newFileName = [name,num2str(myInteger)]
Hope this answers your question.
  3 个评论
Jiri Hajek
Jiri Hajek 2022-12-13
OK, perhaps it wasn't the expected answer after all, but please look at the title you gave to it... It's always good to ask a question precisely...Unfortunately, you did not provide a sample of the data, so I have to guess based on your code snippet that the second column was originally a column of cells, containing several columns of numeric values. Now that you tried to assign your "second column" variable, which is however a four-column matrix into a single column, that is not allowed. You can either convert rows of your data back into cells to make them a single column again, that way Matlab will accept it (here's how to do that:
But tables also enable to put a matrix into a single column, but you need to assign it anew:
myTable = table(['f';'g';'h'],rand(3))
Ali Osman Gökcan
Ali Osman Gökcan 2022-12-13
I will take into account what you said. Thank you for being with me in my journey of program development with Matlab.



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