Getting multiple outputs in one time

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sharanya 2022-12-12
回答: Torsten 2022-12-12
I have a function stiff(k), which outputs a matrix. I want to output stiff(k) for k=1 to 20, but I'm only able to do it by writing out each individul k value. Is there more efficient way to do this?

回答(1 个)

Torsten 2022-12-12
A = arrayfun(@(k)stiff(k),1:20,'UniformOutput',0)
A = 1×20 cell array
{2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double} {2×3 double}
function out = stiff(k)
out = k*[1 2 3;4 5 6];


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