Optimize parameters from a Simulink Modell

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
i need to optimize the parameters of a Simulink model with some real data from matlab. My approach was to develop a function handle in a matlab script, where the parameters of the simulink model are inserted. After running the simulation in matlab, the function calculates the mean squear error of the simulation data and real data. With fminsearch i try to minimize the MSE with initial parameters for the model. Unfortnetly the result of fminsearch ist very innacurate.
Do you know maybe another way, how i can optimize the parameters of a Simulink modell? i don't have the Simulink Design Optimization Toolbox.
Thank you in Advance


Sabin 2022-12-16
Without Optimization Toolbox, fminsearch is probably your best bet. Depending how your model is structured might make sense to use several steps to optimize the parameters. For some similar approaches check the following examples from Simscape Electrical:

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