How to make Rounded Edges of rectangle corners with polyshape function ?

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hello, everybody
I would like to make the rounded rectangle and I would like them to translated and rotated.
First I tried with rectangle function using 'Curvature' of 1. then I can make the rounded rectangle.
However, it is not possible for them to translated and rotated.
Therefore, I made the rectangle with polyshape function. and it is okay for them to translated and rotated.
However, i do not know how I can make them to have rounded edges.
Could you please helpe me how to make them to rounded edges with polyshape function?
clear; close all; clc;
figure(1); hold on; axis equal
% Before translating and rotating
rectangle('Position',[-14.1276, 226.1976, 6.5929, 9.4184],'FaceColor','r','Curvature',1)
% After translating and rotating
% translate and rotate polygon
x = [-14.1276; -14.1276+6.5929; -14.1276+6.5929; -14.1276];
y = [226.1976; 226.1976; 226.1976+9.4184; 226.1976+9.4184];
p = [x,y];
pgon = polyshape(p);
pgon = translate(pgon,50,-75);
pgon = rotate(pgon,18,[57, 349]);
% object by rectangle function can not translated and rotated.


DGM 2022-12-19
I'm pretty sure you can use hgtransform() on rectangle() objects.
hg = hgtransform;
rectangle('parent',hg,'position',[0 0 10 20],'curvature',1);
hg.Matrix = makehgtform('zrotate',pi/6);
axis equal
Alternatively, the following can be used to generate a vertex list that corresponds to the input syntax supported by rectangle(). You can use the vertex data to generate a patch or other type object if you don't want to deal with a rectangle() object.
pos = [0 0 10 20]; % [x y w h]
cur = [1 1]*0.25; % curvature
npts = 20;
npts = round(npts/4)*4 + 1;
th = linspace(0,2*pi,npts);
thm = reshape(th(2:end),[],4);
thm = [th(1) thm(end,1:3); thm];
rr = pos(3:4)/2;
er = cur.*rr;
x = er(1)*cos(thm) + pos(1) + rr(1) + (rr(1)-er(1))*[1 -1 -1 1];
y = er(2)*sin(thm) + pos(2) + rr(2) + (rr(2)-er(2))*[1 1 -1 -1];
x = [x(:); x(1)];
y = [y(:); y(1)];
% plot two identical rounded rectangles atop each other
rectangle('position',pos,'curvature',cur); hold on
axis equal

更多回答(1 个)

S M Ragib Shahriar Islam
Hi, I was also searching for similar type of solution. This following link might help you....


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