How to put subscript in uilabel text and can I specify location on same line?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following (gl is a uigridlayout)
lblKa = uilabel(gl,"Text","K_a","HorizontalAlignment","center");
lblKa.Layout.Row = 2;
lblKa.Layout.Column = 4;
I am trying to subscript the "a" in "Ka". Also, is it possible to specify the layout row and column in a way that I can reduce three lines of code to one?


Jonas 2022-12-21
for subscript, use other text interpreters, e.g. tex
without beeing familiar with uigridlayout, i do not think, that it is possible that easily. But like it is, it is nicely readable
  1 个评论
Paul 2022-12-21
Thank you, that works BUT it also changes the font face so that the letter "K" appears differently from labels not using the tex interpreter. Any ideas on that?


更多回答(1 个)

Paul 2022-12-21
Jonas' answer got me to thinking about HTML and this works better for me because it does not mess with the font
uilabel(gl,"Text","<p>K<sub>a</sub></p>", "HorizontalAlignment","center",'Interpreter','HTML');
But I probably not come up with this without Jonas' suggestion. Thank you, Jonas


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