App designer auto update table data

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
ulas can ozak
ulas can ozak 2022-12-22
编辑: VBBV 2022-12-23
How can i update table data when i turn on the switch?

回答(1 个)

VBBV 2022-12-22
if strcmp(app.SlidecontrolSwitch,'on')
clear Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 % clear old values
Q1 = ...
Q2 = ...
Q3 = ...
Q4 = ...
  2 个评论
ulas can ozak
ulas can ozak 2022-12-23
Not upload when i chance slider value.
VBBV 2022-12-23
编辑:VBBV 2022-12-23
Put all the required code statements inside the if-condition as below
if strcmp(app.SlidecontrolSwitch,'on')
clear Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 % clear old values
Q1 = app.Q1Slider.Value
Q2 = app.Q1Slider.Value
Q3 = app.Q1Slider.Value
Q4 = app.Q1Slider.Value
Transfer = ... % matrix for expression
app.UITable1.Data = Transfer
Jakobien = ... % matrix for expression
app.UITable2.Data = Jakobien



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