How to print Value in next line of Table in App desiginer

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Hello, I hope you are doing well. I have used the sprintf as follow But it does not go to the next file all character are in single row/line when I print it on Table in app designer
pred11= sprintf('\n Class 1 Butterfly Levels: %d\n\n\n Class 1 Butterfly DValue: [%s]\nMaximum Value of Butterfly:%d\nMinimum Value Butterfly :%d\n',...
T.Levels, join(string(unique(T.DValue)),' '), T.Dmaximum, T.Dminimum);


VBBV 2022-12-26
use [ ] operator as below or try with for loop which always works as intended
pred11= sprintf('\n Class 1 Butterfly Levels: %d\n\n\n Class 1 Butterfly DValue: [%s]\nMaximum Value of Butterfly:%d\nMinimum Value Butterfly :%d\n',...
[T.Levels; join(string(unique(T.DValue)),' '); T.Dmaximum; T.Dminimum]);
  22 个评论
Med Future
Med Future 2022-12-29
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-12-29
Okay Let me explain this to you I want to print value in appdesigner Table.
I have the Table in print.mat file in which different field exist. I have write the following code, which gives character array. which is basically in single line
pred11= sprintf('\n Class 1 Butterfly Levels: %d\n\n\n Class 1 Butterfly DValue: [%s]\nMaximum Value of Butterfly:%d\nMinimum Value Butterfly :%d\n',...
T.Levels, join(string(unique(T.DValue)),' '), T.Dmaximum, T.Dminimum);
I want to print in multiple line in appdesigner table for example like the following
Class 1 Butterfly Levels: 6
Class 1 Butterfly DValue: [80 85 355 550 600 650]
Maximum Value of Butterfly:650
Minimum Value Butterfly :80
VBBV 2022-12-29
See snapshot below , if this is what you want
% this change below
vars = {'Class 1 Butterfly Levels','Class 1 Butterfly Dvalue','Maximum value of Butterfly','Minimum value of Butterfly'};
S = num2str(unique(T.DValue)) % convert the Dvalue to character
D = {vars{1},T.Levels;vars{2},S;vars{3},T.Dmaximum;vars{4},T.Dminimum};
fig = uifigure;
uit= uitable(fig);
uit.Data = D;
uit.Position = [71 61 500 233]; % modify the table size using its position property


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