Matlab error when evaluating a neural network
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Hellow I am having an error when I am trying to evaluate a neural network. The code is as follows:
% Load the sample data
load fisheriris
% Extract the first two features as the predictors and the third feature as the response
X = meas(:,1:2);
y = meas(:,3);
% Split the data into training and test sets
rng(1); % For reproducibility
cv = cvpartition(y,'Holdout',0.3);
XTrain = X(training(cv),:);
YTrain = y(training(cv));
XTest = X(test(cv),:);
YTest = y(test(cv));
% Create a decision tree using entropy as the splitting criterion
tree = fitctree(XTrain,YTrain,'SplitCriterion','gdi');
% Evaluate the decision tree on the test set
YPred = predict(tree,XTest);
treeAccuracy = mean(YPred == YTest);
fprintf('Decision tree accuracy: %.2f%%\n',treeAccuracy*100)
% Create a feedforward neural network
net = patternnet(10);
% Train the neural network
net = train(net,XTrain',YTrain');
% Evaluate the neural network on the test set
YPred = net(XTest')';
YPred = tree.ClassNames(YPred);
nnAccuracy = mean(YPred == YTest);
fprintf('Neural network accuracy: %.2f%%\n',nnAccuracy*100)
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in classreg.learning.internal.DisallowVectorOps/subsref (line 22)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('subsref',this,s);
Error in TreeVSAnn (line 33)
YPred = tree.ClassNames(YPred);
Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
1 个评论
Hi Killian,
I am able to execute this code snippet error-free.
Could you please re-check and confirm.
回答(1 个)
These lines:
YPred = net(XTest')';
YPred = tree.ClassNames(YPred);
nnAccuracy = mean(YPred == YTest);
fprintf('Neural network accuracy: %.2f%%\n',nnAccuracy*100)
Should be:
YPred = net(XTest')';
nnAccuracy = mean(YPred == YTest);
fprintf('Neural network accuracy: %.2f%%\n',nnAccuracy*100)
You need not to index tree.ClassNames. You got your prediction already from the line:
YPred = net(XTest')';
But this is not the way to caclulate Accuracy.
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