How to get the integral expression?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to solve following expression in Matlab.
And my script is
clc;close all;clear all;
syms s phis r phir
f = @(s,phis,r,phir) C*s*us*exp(((1j*k)/(2*L))*(-2*r*s*cos(phir-phis)+(s^2)));
g = @(s,phis,r,phir) integral2(@(s,phis) f(s,phis,r,phir),0,Inf,0,2*pi)
g = function_handle with value:
I need to get the final result as
How could I get the result like this?
  3 个评论
Athira T Das
Athira T Das 2023-1-4
Then by doing integration in two steps like
clc;close all;clear all;
syms s phis r phir
f = @(s,phis,r,phir) C*s*us*exp(((1j*k)/(2*L))*(-2*r*s*cos(phir-phis)+(s^2)));
g1 = @(s,phis,r,phir) int(@(phis) f(s,phis,r,phir),0,2*pi)
g1 = function_handle with value:
g2 = @(s,phis,r,phir) int(@(s) g1(s,r,phir),0,Inf)
g2 = function_handle with value:
Still my problem is not solved. How to get the expression?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-1-4
syms s phis r phir
Pi = sym(pi);
Q = @(v) sym(v);
A = Q(1); m = Q(1); n = Q(1); L = Q(100); alpha = Q(1);
k = (2*Pi)/(Q(550)*Q(10)^-9);
us = A*((-1j*sqrt(2*k*alpha)*s*exp(-1j*phis))^m)*exp(-k*alpha*s*s)*laguerreL(n,m,2*k*alpha*s*s);
C = ((-1j*k*exp(1j*k*L))/(2*Pi*L))*exp((1j*k*r*r)/(2*L));
f(s,phis,r,phir) = C*s*us*exp(((1j*k)/(2*L))*(-2*r*s*cos(phir-phis)+(s^2)));
g1(s,r,phir) = int(f(s,phis,r,phir), phis, 0,2*Pi, 'hold', true)
g2(r,phir) = int(g1(s,r,phir), s, 0, Inf, 'hold', true)
%decent speed up to this point. But the below is somewhat slow.
%and all it ends up doing is stripping the 'hold' status from the int()
G2 = release(g2)
If you are planning to go to a numeric function handle using integral(), then you can matlabFunction(g2) without having to release() . At least in the current version you can; my recollection is that in the previous release you could not do that.
The function generated by matlabFunction() looks like


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