Problem in MPC in Simulink

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Shivam Bajpai
Shivam Bajpai 2023-1-9
Good afternoon, all,
I am using the MPC in Simulink for path following Algorithm, while designing the MPC structure(in MPC Design), I am getting the error, I have attached the picture of the error, kindly help me to fix the problem please.
  1 个评论
Shivam Malviya
Shivam Malviya 2023-1-12
Hi Shivam,
I understand that when working with an MPC Controller Block, you are getting the following error;
Plant model cannot be a pure direct feed-through system without additional dynamics.
A plant model is a direct feed-through when the output is controlled directly by the value of an input port signal. There could be multiple causes for this error.
Could you share the following information for a better understanding of the issue;
  • The Simulink model.
  • The precise steps to reproduce the issue.
Shivam Malviya


回答(1 个)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy 2024-1-11
Please see this post


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