Creating a bounding box that is not a perfect rectangle

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Currently, my code allows me to select a ROI in an image and then it creates a bounding box. This bounding box, however, is a rectangle while I would like the cropped image to remain as the ROI shape and not a perfect rectangle.
clear varaiables, close all
if ~exist("image_analysis.mlx")
% 1. Load the file and scale it
before = "blue_close"; white = "white_close"; after = "group1_close";
A = imresize(imread(before,'jpg'),1.00);
B = imresize(imread(white,'jpg'),1.00);
C = imresize(imread(after,'jpg'),1.00);
% % 2. manually specify the ROI using the original image
h = drawpolygon('FaceAlpha',0);
h.Color = 'yellow';
% find a bounding box of ROI to further cut the image smaller
% bbox = [xmin ymin xmax ymax]
hmin = min(h.Position); hmax = max(h.Position);
bbox = [hmin hmax-hmin];
% 3. Crop ROI for both image a and image b using the bounding box
Cb = imcrop(B,bbox);
Ca = imcrop(A,bbox);
Cc = imcrop(C,bbox);
clear A B C
save sqa.mat
load sqa.mat
  4 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2023-1-14
Yes, certainly. Exactly how though depends on the analysis to be done.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-1-14
For example if you were to create a mask from the ROI, and you were to double() that so that the values become numeric 0 and numeric 1 instead of logical 0 (false) and logical 1 (true), then you could pass that numeric array to regionprops as the "label" array, and pass in a grayscale image as the next parameter. You can then ask about the properties and it will only calculate the properties for the marked locations.
That said... if you were calculating a property such as Solidity which has to do with the area occupied relative the area of the bounding box, then the bounding box is still going to be calculated as a rectangle.



DGM 2023-1-14
As Matt says, it depends what you intend to do with the image region. If all you intend to do is some sort of color analysis, then:
% a test image
inpict = imread('peppers.png');
% create ROI object
% i'm explicitly setting the point list since i'm doing this in the forum
ROI = drawpolygon(gca,'position',[295 184;256 207;281 217;298 222;304 193]);
% create mask from the ROI, expand as necessary
mask = repmat(createMask(ROI),[1 1 size(inpict,3)]);
% get samples from selected locations
% this is a Mx3 array of RGB values
sampledpixels = reshape(inpict(mask),[],3)
sampledpixels = 962×3
255 183 0 255 186 0 255 185 0 255 186 0 255 185 0 255 181 0 255 184 0 255 182 0 255 183 0 255 181 0
Of course, this won't be of much help if you're trying to do anything spatial.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-1-14




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