Stacking of of power spectrum

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Chris Martin
Chris Martin 2023-1-19
回答: Daksh 2023-2-3
I have computed power spectrum of number of time series of various stations. Can I stack the spectra to one power spectrum plot?
I have simply took all the spectra, and plotted but I need a single line spectra? Is there any code? Any lead will be very helpful.
  4 个评论
Chris Martin
Chris Martin 2023-1-20
I am trying to do it in matlab that is why it is matlab issue
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-1-20
If I understand right , you simply want the mean of all your spectra ?


回答(1 个)

Daksh 2023-2-3
I understand that you wish to stack the power spectra plots into a single "stacked" plot in MATLAB.
To display different line spectra on the same plot, you can use "hold on" and "hold off" command in MATLAB to persist plot outputs and superimpose multiple plots together in order to get one combined plot. Refer to the following documentation for "hold":
For example:
load indoors.mat
load outdoors.mat
hold on
hold off
As a 2nd workaround, you can refer to the "stackedplot()" method documentation in MATLAB, which stacks different plots onto a single plot with the common variable axis:
You can use the following MATLAB command to obtain the same output as above:
Hope this helps!


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