understanding a newly proposed STA/LTA algorithm
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given below is the modified STA/LTA equation.

from my understanding i have formulated the code as follows.Kindly go through the code and correct me if my notion is wrong
clear all
%% Data Inputs
Acc_EW = importdata("ADIB.HHE.dat")
Acc_NS = importdata("ADIB.HHN.dat");
Acc_ver = importdata("ADIB.HHZ.dat");
Fs = 100; %sampling frequency
%% Signal Pre-Processing
%Filter Design
digfilt = designfilt('lowpassiir', 'PassbandFrequency', 20, 'StopbandFrequency', 25, 'PassbandRipple', 1, 'StopbandAttenuation', 60, 'SampleRate', 200);
% Filtering Data
Acc_EW_filt = filter(digfilt,Acc_EW);
Acc_NS_filt = filter(digfilt,Acc_NS);
Acc_ver_filt = filter(digfilt,Acc_ver);
Fhp = 0.8; % high pass filter cutofff frequency
[b1,a1] = butter(3,Fhp/Fs,'high'); %3rd order high pass butterworth filter
fildat = filter(b1,a1,Acc_ver); % filtered acceleration data
vel = cumtrapz(fildat)./Fs; % Integrating acceleration data for velocity
[b2,a2] = butter(3,Fhp/Fs,'high'); %3rd order high pass butterworth filter
fildat1 = filter(b2,a2,vel); % filtered velocity data
dis = cumtrapz(fildat1)./Fs; % Integrating velocity data for displacement
peakToPeakRange = max(fildat) - min(fildat);
dt = 1/Fs; %sampling time
nt = length(fildat); % length of the input signal
time = (1:nt).*dt; % time duration of the input signal
%% STA-LTA Algorithm gor P-Wave detection
stw = 0.2; %short time window length
ltw = 70; %long time window length
thresh = 3; % Threshold
thresh1 = 4;
%t = 1;
nl = fix(ltw / dt); %no. of data points in the long time window
ns = fix(stw / dt); %no. of data points in the short time window
nt = length(fildat);
sra = zeros(1, nt);
%%this where i have modified accroding to excerpt from the paper-'Framework
%%for Automated Earthquake Event Detection Based On Denoising by Adaptive
for k = nl+1:nt
staz(k,1) = (1/ns)* trapz(abs(fildat(k-ns:k)));
ltaz(k,1) = (1/nl)* trapz(abs(fildat(k-nl:k)));
sta(k,1) = (1/ns)* [(staz(k-1)*ns)-fildat(k-ns)-fildat(k)];
lta(k,1) = (1/nl)* [(ltaz(k-1)*nl)-fildat(k-nl)-fildat(k)];
for l = nl+1: nt
sra(l) = sta(l)/lta(l);
itm = find(sra > thresh);
if ~isempty(itm)
tp =itmax*dt; % P-wave arriving time
fprintf('P-Wave detection time for threshold 4 = %f second\n', tp);
itm1 = find(sra > thresh1);
if ~isempty(itm1)
itmax1 = itm1(1);
tp1 = itmax1*dt; % P-wave arriving time
fprintf('P-Wave detection time for threshold 3 = %f second\n', tp1);
%% S-wave arrival time
pkHts = 0.72; % 10 percent
[pk2,t22] = findpeaks(Acc_NS_dlycompensated,Fs,'MinPeakHeight',pkHts*max(Acc_ver_dlycompensated),'Npeaks',1);
[pk3,t33] = findpeaks(Acc_EW_dlycompensated,Fs,'MinPeakHeight',pkHts*max(Acc_ver_dlycompensated),'Npeaks',1);
display(sprintf('S-wave found on EW component at %f seconds and on NS componet at %f seconds,', t33,t22));
display('S-wave detected first on North-South component');
display('S-wave detected first on East-West component');
ts = min(t22,t33);
%% Tauc , Pd and Magnitude calculations
vel_sq = vel.^2;
dis_sq = dis.^2;
r1 = trapz(vel_sq((itmax):(itmax+300)));
r2 = trapz(dis_sq((itmax):(itmax+300)));
r = r1/r2;
tauc = 2*pi/sqrt(r);
pd = max(dis((itmax):(itmax+300)));
mag_tauc = (log(tauc) + 3.45)/0.47 %Coefficients varies from region to region
mag_pd = (0.873*((log(pd)+6.3)/0.513))+4.74 %Coefficients varies from region to region
12 个评论
Kardes ASLAN
Dear Nair
I observed your matlab code. In my opinion, there are obvious errors in your code. First of all, equation 41 and equation 43 in the paper "Framework for Automated Earthquake Event Detection Based On Denoising by Adaptive Filter" have nothing to do with each other. These equations are 2 different types of calculating STA. However, you have related these equations to each other in the code you wrote. In the code you wrote, sta depends on staz. But it shouldn't be like that.
Similar situation is valid equations 42 and 44.
Furthermore, arrival time of p wave (tp) emerges greater than arrival time of s wave (ts).
Best regards...
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