No there is no way to do that without some manual coding (if only on the command line). But it isn't hard. Here's a simple example.
t = linspace(0, 4*pi, 200);
x = sin(t);
y = 10*cos(t);
If you select t, then x, then y in the Workspace window and click the second plot option in the Plot toolbar, it executes the following code (you will see it in the Command window.
plot(t,x,'DisplayName','x');hold on;plot(t,y,'DisplayName','y');hold off;
grid on % << I added this because I like the grid
Now, if I want two y axes instead since the amplitude of one signal is so much smaller than the other one, I can just change that line of code a little bit:
yyaxis left;plot(t,x,'DisplayName','x');yyaxis right;plot(t,y,'DisplayName','y');
grid on
legend % << I like legends also